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Reading is Fun-Demental

  I don't sleep in a bed anymore, but my books do. Like the college rat girls of olde, I curl up in a nest of loose sheets and zines, and hope that I don't drool on anything I can't replace. That being said, I oftentimes read those books (I'm not in it just for the increased flammability stat,) and some of the things I'm enjoying are pretty cool, so I'm going to take a post to tell you about them. Rune - Spencer Campbell I wrote a little essay for work hereabouts , but I love this game so much that I'm more than happy to reiterate. Rune is a solo rpg that plays with the soulslike conventions of Bloodbourne, where you play a deathless knight questing across realms for more power. It alternates between overworld exploration and grid based tactical challenges, which makes for an unfolding narrative with delightful dice allocation and threat valuation puzzles. Some of my favorite elements of this game are the sparseness of your component needs (a 4x4 grid and so

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