Mini Gangs a Go-Go


Not too long ago, I sent one of my partners home with MiniGangs Gateway, so they could play it with their kid. Its your duty as a wargamer to infect the general pop with your love for little toys, and lucky for me, the youth in question seems to be hooked. Hence, as their birthday comes up, I started cobbling together a handful of new minis to duke it out on the coffeetables of Seattle.

That, and the rest of the Minigangs Game from good ol' Curtis Fell at Ramshackle Games.

There might have been 16 figures total that were mailed off this past Saturday, four of which are from the game's official range; the Smollockton Skeletons, as pictured above. I'm really pleased with the level of painting that I'm achieving, especially without metallic paints, (I want to say that I'm aces with NMM, but really I'm just too cheap to buy 3 shades of mithril.)

If memory serves, we've got Xorns from Nolzer's Marvelous Minis. (they are,) and some Cloth Golems from Reaper Minis, (who are cute as the dickens, even if a bit hard to paint.)

The rest of the Goobers tended to be from the Thunderchild ranges. Recently I've broken away from my semi-faithful paintings of these figures, as well as my need to keep starting posses whole, which has resulted in a much more personal feeling about the figures at hand. Also, gotta say, being bitten by the basing bug has really been a treat, and figures look much more polished with some gravel here or some grass tufts there. When I'm flush, I'll probably invest in some additional additives to add more mass and mess.

Image result for mutants and death ray guns

Thinking on the future though, my next sendoffs will probably have some undead, and some weird retro future knights so I can justify mailing off a copy of Mutants and Death Ray Guns from Ganesha Games. I think as far as accessibility, its a good intermediate step between Mini Gangs and Wasteman, since its got more moving parts and special abilities than the former, but you're not agonizing over an army list like the latter since usually your mutant squad is randomly generated. That's just an opinion though and if yours differs, chat me up! I'd love to hear other perspectives!

 Anyhow, I've caused enough trouble for one night. Thanks so much for reading! Ciao!


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