Coils of Chaos!
In a distant past, a time and place not unlike your own, the world was locked in a third and final Great War. Untold lives were lost before desperate nations called upon the ruinous powers of the Unholy Devourer, the Dragon of Chaos who lives in the swirling bedlam of the Outer Void. The time following this calamity is known as the Discordance, an age when demons stalked the world, and all that was manifest was unmade to feed the Dragon’s unknowable appetite.
Though little now resembles what it did, humanity has endured, and shares this shattered future with beings from worlds beyond. In the central wastes, proud warrior-tribes reclaim relics of the bygone age. The Bloodlands to the north are haunted by the demonic Dreth and the cult-hives of the serpent-headed Hissthk. In the east, clans of mutant raiders struggle in the shade of the Cities in Dust. The Restless Shadow stirs in the west, and the Spell Lords of the No-No Zone conduct dark experiments in their steel towers. From the South, the Faithful of the Luminous Goddess send pilgrims to spread her sacred gospel. But this is your story, and it’s only just beginning….
Over the last few months, you might have noticed me toiling in a particularly stonepunk manor. That's because the folx over at Ill Gotten Games got it in their heads to make an RPG in tandem with season 2 of Pocket Tactics, and thought it'd be rad if I illustrated the beast. Honestly, I had a blast drawing all of the barbarians and snakes (and everything else really,) so I'm particularly excited to see it come to fruition this week, as it's up on Kickstarter as part of Zinequest! Check it out, and see if its up your alley.

In addition to a fresh rulebook using IGG's Crux engine, there's also access to a bunch of 3D printable minis that look tasty as heck. I'm partial to the Dreth and the Hissthk, since I've got nothing like them in any of my collections. Give it a lookover, what would you print for yourselves?
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