Death and Destruction Sketches

I've begun sketching out some new warband/armies for Age of Sigmar in the last few weeks. I've felt pretty conceptually dormant for a bit, but since I've been working towards product training my coworkers on Age of Sigmar, I've been more fired up to bring some of my slow-burn projects up to speed. My current goal is to have an army in each grand alliance worth 500 points, and at this moment that means Death and Destruction are getting the love.

Sons of Behemat

Not long ago, the Gargants (giants) were released as a playable army in AoS, getting the biggest kit in the show at approximately 200 bucks usd. I traded in a handful of Magic cards I had no intention of using and netted one and then recieved 2 Mancrushers as a gift. Being me, I figured stretching the smaller kit into three would be a fun task, and so I've got my first 1000 points projected fairly quick.

The gargants I want to make are those who left their tribe to find their fortune and became regarded as dieties in their local realms. I imagine that they left their marks on communities in ways that were immutable, and thus they've gained followings that trail them back to their homelands once their first adventures were done. Surely some of their followers made excellent snacks on that return journey, but they still have a handful of loyal beasts and folk who join them on the battlefield now.

While I haven't given them names yet, I have decided that some of these giants wear shrines that they either usurped, or the garb of Mega Gargants that they themselves are inspired by.

Flesh-Eater Courts

I've developed a taste for humans, or more like things that may have once been human, but are now downright degenerate. The corruption of a once-noble house is something I've explored with my Gray Court and the Ashen Stair, but the itch was not quite scratched enough. Flesh-Eater Courts had the naming conventions and inner monologues I'd craved, and so I dove into the faction's Warcry kit toute suite.

The usual kits however are barely clothed, and it occurred to me that I wanted their humanity somewhere on the descent rather than rock bottom. Doing my research in the Realms of Plastic and the Gardens of Hecate, I saw some takes that set me on the path of the saw. My new favorite kit from Fireforge games along with old Bretonnian bowmen served to give my ghoul horde a great deal of character as the serfs of a local despot. I reckon the petty kingdom played at aristocracy (think petty imperiums of 50k) and so we get serfs from all walks of life. I'm particularly fond of the helmets, which are from a Lannister Halberdiers kit that I got for a song. I'm almost sad that I'll have to paint them.

My Crypt Horrors are a higher rung in the cannibal aristocracy, living lavishly as self-important gentlemen of leisure, which I tried to emphasize with the mancrusher gargant headswap. Their original heads didn't look hungry enough, and didn't offer much room for the powdered wigs I'm planning to sculpt on them. 

Hopefully the next time you see these guys, they'll be a bit more developed and a bit closer to getting painted up. I've been stretched pretty thin this year, so chances are that wont be anytime soon, but you never know! Maybe the momentum will keep; fingers crossed!


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