The Grey Court - Maggotkin AOS Army

Image result for start collecting maggotkin

Recently I took on a second job, working at a games retail store where I enjoy a hefty discount. For some reason, in the middle of my busiest season I decided it was a good time to amass an army of Maggotkin, sort of inspired by the stylings of the Gardens of Hecate where Ana P. uses the kits from the Putrid Blightkings and Blood Bowl: Nurgle's Rotters to make enormous ghoulish horrors.

Image result for nurgle's rotters
I'd like to clarify that I did not take on the second job so that I could buy more toys, but it is a perk I suppose.
So far, I've decided I want not just kings, but queens, and lords and ladies of other caliburs. I'm imagining some sort of cursed court/Nazghul situation where a great many regal folks have been transformed by a shared fate into the servants of some horrible power. At this point, I forsee many bells and candles but have yet to determine how Part A and Part C will yield Result F.

At any rate, here are the roles I hope to fill in my court of craven horrors.


Knight captain
Lady in waiting
Meister treasurer

And then, I need a general of some sort. I'm thinking some kind of gardener or hangman. I don't want whoever cursed this court to be the leader because I honestly don't think they'd stick around to watch the corruption. That said, someone who is the closest to the darkness, who is most willing to embrace it... That would be the ideal for this leader of this lot. Maybe someone who see's the powers imbued by the curse as a means to an end.

Here are the two fiends I've been crafting on the most, building up a grizzled Gus and bashful Bridget. I still have a lot of greenstuffing to do, but I'm debating on how much of them I want to heal (just because nurgle leaks everywhere doesn't mean my court has to.) Lastly, I just want to point out that I've stolen the bases from the easy-to-build sister sigmarines, which add a delightful amount of height and motion to some of these figures, and might be reserved for those of heroic ilk.


  1. I kinda feel like cockroaches would be really great in this army. I don't personally need that service, but I wish you luck in your enterprise.


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