I’ve just gotten a new keyboard, which may take some adjusting to, but before I get into it I just want to say that the joy is palpable. Much of my tech died last year, and so I’ve been slowly adjusting to life with an iPad as my main mode of interaction beyond my phone. I’ve sorely missed the resistance of keys and the ability to type in places other than my work, so it is with that triumph in mind that I begin our recounting of the month’s other glories of the non-keyboard kind.
February 2025
Now that I’d finished my first month of OWAC VIII, I’d painted up a small force whose color schemes could inform the rest of my army project. I’d already established that the army would have vibrant colors whenever possible, and so these Bull Centaurs wound up being bright red and bright yellow, to make sure you’d see them coming from miles away.
I also found time to polish off the first of two 20-strong units of Chaos Gnome warriors for the army, and so I had to match the first half of the batch from last month. Remember that gnomes, like eyeliner wings, are sisters and not twins, and so its ok if they’re not 100% identical. For my part, I’m not dissatisfied with how they turned out, and so to me these ten feel like a job well done.
Last of all we have some characters, a sorcerer and a hero who can be popped into units for a little extra oomph. I’m particularly fond of the fist-hat, which uses an old Chaos Warrior hand in the goofiest way possible.
In January I’d gotten involved in a casual Instagram challenge titled ENTMOOT25 where participants sculpted an ent or tree man that incorporated wood in some way. My treeman was made from a woodchip and copious amounts of wire and Apoxiesculpt. I’m mostly satisfied with how it turned out, and while there’s plenty I’d do different if given the chance, it’s more important to me at this point that the models get finished. I’m dusting off a skill set I’ve not been using enough, and I’d like to get all of the practice I can, so here’s to the next dozen putty pals.

One of my goals for this year is to make my home a place where I can enjoy games, and part of that involves curating and refreshing my terrain collection. Since I’ve mostly been on a fantasy kick the last two years, I thought I’d make a little tower (tutorial coming later) and rebase my trees from the Turnip Golden Age. They’re all on 6” wooden disks that are already warped to hell, but I’m not fussed by that. They look a treat on the boards, and they’re charming in their homemade quality, and that’s good enough for me and my imaginary opponents. Also, they perch great on top of an almond tin.
I’ll have to give it a think before I make too many more of these, since I’d like to have a full table by the end of this process. Big next built is likely hills since the GW rank and flanks care about elevation sometimes, and maybe a length or two of stone wall that can abut the tower for some besiegery and pretzels gaming.
Recently I became a patron of
Nikki Chatwin of Sprue Goblin Games, and was enamored with the developing line of Battle Beanz, which are exactly what they sound like. Since the models aren’t out yet, I’ve been drawing them doing what they were named to do. Fight…
I might have energy for a few more of these, so if you’re a fan of the Bean, check out his stuff. I’ll need to get more 20mm squares to put them on, but I needed to top off anyhow, so if you think about it this is really a two beans with one stone situation, which we’re all in favor of.
As established last month, I’m slowly building my collection of 3rd edition 40k codexes. My latest acquisition is this Dark Eldar codex from either 1998 or 2001, which has 13 generic options for units and 6 special character options. I had never really been interested in the Aeldari or the Drukhari, even after becoming the latest steward of a 5th edition Eldar army that a friend of a friend of a friend rehomed some years back, but after encountering Hekatonchieries’ Blog and seeing their
Blanchitsu Eldar, something finally clicked for me. The tragedy of being the last of a dying race, and the stance one takes when armed with that knowledge has become very interesting to me in this super-doomer landscape, and might make for some interesting army projects in the far flung future.

Additionally, I realized I had a few more codexes for this collection than I thought I did. The Necron Codex was originally my sister’s, which I absorbed into my collection after her interests pivoted away from the game. The Witch Hunters Codex was a lucky find in my local thrift store, right before moved away from my neighborhood. Both are rad to have, and help me get closer to the super casual goal of having another perspective and way to play within the 40k setting.
month's models painted 18/52
new total: 39
month's models sculpted 1/12
new total: 1
At 33, I know February goes fast, but man February went fast this year. Hopefully you’re keeping your head above water, and finding time to take care of the ones you love. The world is on fire, so be nice to your neighbors.
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