A (belated) Christmas/Chanukah Batrep

With my forces for Templars vs Sauracens now being an evenly matched 3 figs a side, I decided to have a little game with myself on Christmas day. I didn’t get you anything though, so here’s a hastily wrapped bat rep I’m tucking under the tree. I hope you enjoy it, and that you do voices for the guys if that’s your thing.

Team red and/or blue

The green team

The rules are those found on the Deathzap post of the same name. I made some adjustments and forgot some things, but you’ll hardly notice (especially if I don’t mention it.)


Our two sets of freaks roll up to the table; the green ones and those other guys. Affiliations are pretty loose around these parts, but it’s pretty simple to figure out.  Maybe under different circumstances things could have gone another way, but today eyes locked, snouts sneered, and someone shouted an uncharitable thing about another persons mother from across a field. Today would be a day for blood... Eventually.

Turn 1

Racing towards centerfield, the cowpoke looses a shot from his rifle, and Kevin fired right back, neither of them in range to do anything worth writing home about. Both lumbering beast-hulks maneuver into a parallel alleyway, sizing eachother up for an inevitable beat down. Tensions ran high as everyone got into position to beat the tar out of each other.

Turn 2

Blue (and red) team scurried into the ruins and on top of the strangely squarish hill. To represent the awesome power of the monster figures, I gave them advantage on close combat rolls, but as the mighty sickle-armed strider closes in on the seahorse, the fiend's blows are all parried by the Hippocampus' prowess. Elsewhere the cowpoke trades shots with the dino-knight and the Cowitzer, clipping one and getting lanced by the other. Turns out, cover advantage for shooters makes a huge difference!

Turn 3.

What if everyone whiffed? Just windmilled their arms menacingly but just outside of one anothers' arms length? Be pretty cool huh?

Turn 4.

After exchanging savage blows, the Hippocampus is finally filled by the chitenous scythes of the Golden Guillotine. Trying to leverage the wound dealt last turn, the cowpoke maneuvers behind the behemoth to fill its back with buckshot, but it is to no avail. The red grimblyguts scurries into the green team's endzone, scoring half the points required to win the day.

Turn 5. 

The cowpoke backs up, capitalizing on a good initiative roll to reach green team's deployment zone so that only in death would his team lose. Despite the best efforts of Kevin McCowitzer and the scythes of doom, the cowpoke fails to fall, and the day is won by the red (and blue) team.

And there you go! A quick little brawl of no consequence, presented for your reading pleasure. 

I will say, I quite enjoyed the ruleset, as it felt clean and familiar. I played Templars vs Sauracens with inches instead of a grid, and I think that largely played out alright, save for the running away with the game that blue/red team did when the tides of battle turned against them. Maybe I forgot the knock back rules for close combat, which seem to be ideal for preventing blitzes around the enemy figs. Hopefully I can try it again soon, as it's meant to be played (on a grid and with a foe,) but either way I'm thrilled to have found a place for the toys to do battle. 

Happy holidays, safe travels, and be awesome everyone!


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