More Toy Soldiers
Hello friends, and welcome back to "chopping things in half for fun and tactical advantage." This week I have Covid, but past me had the foresight to leave a number of projects on my desk so that I might enjoy some surprises, (though these ones came unwrapped.) One thing I appreciate about these guys is that their size and amount of detail, which is to say big and not very much. It's helpful when paired with a simple painting style, to both remind oneself that toys is toys, but also to be forgiving when ones painting skills are not at their best.
But actually, I quite like this Seahorse Knight, even with a minimal paint job. The red and blue shapes are fun for breaking up mostly solid plate armor, which while it could have been detailed more but at the risk of losing its toyishness. I'd like to imagine that this friend is cursed much in the same way that my other animal-headed knight was, though neither of them can say exactly what happened (it's an unfortunate side effect of the transformation.)
This ooze was interesting since it lacked a direction for much of its pre-painted life. It was a torso with a funny head that collected spare bits of apoxiesculpt, until I found that spear arm and nurgle tentacle, and decided to play around with scale. Now, it feels like this slime is trying it's brand new baby hand at being a man, with a fresh pair of legs and it's cool looking spear tool. Maybe it learned some tricks from crows, who are also good at tools and mimicry. We would ask them, but it seems like the birds now avoid this fella like the plague.
This creature reminded me of a golden age super hero, or a statue that’s hatching. I played putrid blightkings in age of sigmar and being unenthusiastic about the pusgoyle mounts, I had plenty of strange leggy bits leftover. For now, I'll call it the Golden Guillotine, copywrite 2024 donut steel. Ye haw.
The cowpoke is our final friend of the evening, being a simple headswap, stealing the bovine brow that Kevin McCowitzer's build discarded. I love the pun, and the energy, and the denim on this guy. Clearly all rustlers gotta look out when they eyeball his herd!
Now we have a solid collection of six dogs, with each type having a parallel (monster, knight in armor, unarmored rangeboys.) This was entirely on purpose, so that I could play a mirror match with these goobers. That battle report should be going up immediately after this post, so perhaps you've already seen these guys in action. However you experience the two posts, I hope you enjoy it, and that it encourages you to do something fun and low pressure with your hobby today.
Best luck out there!
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