Scenario Two - Ridgefire

Maphunter Campaign
Scenario Two - Ridgefire

They had settled in for the night, setting up camp in a small clearing at the top of the ridge. Two of the mercenaries sat sharpening knives while his fellows dozed, and they groaned about the hardships of the departing day. They did this by the campfire as the wizard made attempts at reading his map by faltering lanternlight. In hushed tones, the wizard's incantations unwove veiling spells that hid the map's true contents. They were headed in the right direction, but in the dark he could barely make out much else. He moved the lantern closer to the parchment. Ah ha! Illumination! The page read clear, and relieved, the wizard let out a dry chuckle. On the map, a shadow began to dance, quickly tapping the top of the paper and then running to the bottom. The mercenary began to bellow to his comrades, and confused, the wizard turned to see the woodland around their camp painted bright orange by a terrible conflagration.

Set - Up
This scenario is played on a 2'x3' table with normal table setup for terrain. On one of the short ends, place a campfire terrain feature 6'' from the edge and deploy your warband around it.
Place 5 enemy crossbowmen figures a minimum of 12" down the table from your warband, then place 2 treasure tokens a minimum of 18" away from your warband.

Special Rules
The goal of this scenario is for your warband to escape the far short edge of the table by the end of the 10th turn. At the end of the 10th turn, any figures not moved off the far edge of the table are removed as casualties and roll on the injury table.
Since the woods are on fire, all figures within 6" of a table edge or the campfire count as being effected by the spell Glow, where shooting attacks made against them are  given a +3 bonus.

Crossbowmen behavior is as follows

  • On the first turn, the crossbowman moves half his movement and shoots at the nearest target.
  • If the crossbowman shot last turn or ceased being in combat with an enemy figure, he will spend both of his activations to reload and move half his movement in a random direction.
  • If the crossbowman reloaded last turn, his activations are move half his movement towards the nearest enemy figure and shoot at it.
  • If an enemy figure moved within 9" of the crossbowman within the last turn, and the crossbowman is not currently engaged in combat, he will spend both activations getting into combat with said figure.
Two Player Suggestions
This scenario is fairly resistant to co-op and I would maybe suggest it to be a solo thing. Ways to tinker might be to limit each player's pieces to a maximum of 4 with no apprentices allowed, call it a co-op mission and throw in a few more crossbowmen. Alternatively, one player's warband could replace the crossbowmen altogether, and their win condition could be to make sure that at least 50% or more of their opponent's warband doesn't escape the board. In that case, maybe only the loser would roll injuries for each figure still on the board by the end of turn 10.

Treasure and Experience
Treasure and experience are awarded as in a regular game of Frostgrave.

Ways to use this Scenario
  • This could be the beginning of a vendetta between two gangs, one which narrowly survived an ambush from another, and from now on every time they cross paths, its personal.
  • The crossbowmen could be hunting a terrible monster, who's lair they were trying to smoke out when their actions had unexpected consequences. The next scenario could be a boss battle with a very angry snow troll, or some bigger more venerable creature.
  • A member of the warband could be mistaken for a wanted criminal. Heck, a member of the warband could certainly be a wanted criminal. Perhaps there's a bounty nobody knew about until this ambush. Who's past is coming back to haunt them?
  • This scenario is the second part of a campaign and its finale, The Collector's Crypt will be out soon.


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