Mulligans, and other birds.

It is genuinely uncomfortable for me to type right now, so I will try to be brief in my explaination as to why no paint dwarf today. Why no paint dwarf today is because I burnt the shit out of my painting hand making dinner, and because I was hoping to finish off my first unit tonight with some final touch ups (liberal application of the term.) I'm gonna let myself heal a bit before going back to work on those dwarfs, but in the meantime, please enjoy a very small blog about some games I'm running in October (in addition to Gnomemageddon.) 

The first is a Mork Borg adventure I'm calling "Boys and Bigtops"

Come one, come all, for a Mork Borg Circus Crawl, with horror in all three rings! All of the boys from Bedlam have disappeared since Bufo's Magnificient Menagerie came to town, and now it's up to you to get them back, and maybe enjoy a show while you're at it. SEE death defying acts at every twist and turn! HEAR the roar of beasts from beyond the pale! SQUEAL with delight as marvels are performed right before your very eyes!! All that and more under the big top of terror.

And the second is a Mausritter scenario titled "plight of the buzzlebee." Its cowboy flavored.

At the foot of Red-Rock Mesa, a new roadside attraction has the community of Mapledrop abuzz. One of the Mammoth Bees has wandered away from its hive atop the mountain over yon, and a scoundrel by the name of McQuips has captured it, charging a pip a minute to marvel at its magnitude. Some say the beast is ten mice tall, bloodthirsty as the day is long, while others say they'd never heard a bee cry until now. It'll take a whole lot of gumption to bust that bee outta bee jail and reunite it with its hive, so here's one question for ya. Are you mouse enough pardner?

While I'm talking about cool things I will do, here's a thing I done did; the new blog post over at the shop is something I'm particularly proud of... 

I decided to try my hand at gameshow/interviews that let my coworkers participate in the blog-shenanigans. I've been watching so much Gamechanger over on Dropout, and as a result I've been slipping into Gameshow Host Voice quite a bit lately, so on Friday I had the idea to put it to good use. Tristan and I had fun though, and I think that comes through in the post, so that alone feels worthwhile.

Anyhow, that's the news and also my hand hurts. Stay safe, use potholders, and have a great night everyone!


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