Paint Table - February

2020 Painting Challenge - February
15/52 --> 54/52

The "completion" of the Undead Gnome war party of Gneil the Unreformed is a big landmark for me personally, as its perhaps the first army I've utterly assembled, painted, and based in my 16 years of being in this hobby. During the month of February, I was able to wrap on three additional units of skeletons, spirits, and mummy magi, as well as two new characters for the army; a vicious vampire and a Frankensteinian monster.

Of the units I painted, I'm still tickled by the work I put in on these bandaid boys. The Mummies were inspired by the lone mummy from the Old School Miniatures Ks; since there was only one sculpt I ordered some 15mm scale pulp mummies from CP Models, which were sculpted by Riff Raff of Splintered Light Minis fame. I chopped off most of their legs so that they'd match the OSM one, and sculpted a variety of hats for them. Additionally, the front line of mummies were given "magical energy" by gluing old orc topknots to their hands upside down.

Also, I should mention that I got a bunch of movement trays, and began dressing them up. These don't count towards my total though, since they're basically bases for my bases since someone heard I liked bases. Lol.

month's total: +38

What's next?

I've got a whole 'nother army of gnomes ranked up. Meet the Chaos Gnomes, 15mm Chaos Dwarfs from Admiralty Miniatures, a friendly company from Sweden who've been crafting a whole range of the little buggers. They're really affordable, and very keyed into the community of Chaos Dwarf Fans, which is worth a look if you're keen on big hats and the like.

This is another army I'm hoping to run in Dragon Rampant, which has a few more pieces on their way from parts unknown, (note to self: parts unknown would be a great brand for blind bag bits kits. copyright me, right here right now.) There are a handful of nifty hero options, and I'm still converting a handful of models, namely those dogsled teams on the far right.  Hopefully I can keep this momentum going now that I've met my model quota for the year.

Speaking of which, that big black blob in the middle of the previous picture? I couldn't tell what it was from the photo, and I figured y'all wouldn't be able to either, so before I finished this post I painted it up. It's my army's version of a bull centaur, thrown together from a Thunderchild Miniatures figure and an old Orc Boar. On top of being a weird conversion (lots of superglue was involved in filling the gaps,) its also an experiment in palettes. This was my first time using the Zorn Palette, and I think I'll be using it again for a few more pieces in the army to tie it together. 


 month's total total: +39


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